Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Louis - The Super Saiya Vita Panda

This last weekend was full of PRs.  Almost everyone I know PR.  I did not really look at any result because I am focusing on my own race.  I am focusing on Ray Miller 50 miles trail race, my first 50 miles race.  If anything, I need to stick with my plan and not get too excited about my friends' PR.  In fact I did not even go to people's facebook profile to look at their results.

But I do have to say something about Kevin my fellow Vita Panda.  He told me Bandit 50km was a training run for him and he got 3rd place overall. No, not 3rd place in his age group. Third Place Overall.  And yes, while I am focusing about my race, I can't help but write something.

Most of you don't know, but I was there when he got 3rd place in his age group at the 2007 South Pasadena Tiger Run.  This is the before picture. I am telling you, we have no idea what we each accomplished in a few short years.  Not to mention the amazing people we met along the way.

South Pasadena Tiger Run - Dec 1, 2007

too lazy to look up the time, but yes. Kevin got 3rd place in his age group (Yes, that's his pic but it hasn't develop yet lol)
And even though I did like 5 Ironman, it was Kevin that did it first.  A few months prior to the Tiger Run I went to the Bonelli Olympic Triathlon to cheer for him...

Yes, he did not get the wet suit memo
Not knowing Team In Training back then, this is actually the first time I see them.  Well, I didn't know how fast is a fast swim, but Kevin was fast...

hmm... I think he is very fast...
And I waited like at the bike-in for 1 1/2 hour because I didn't know how fast people bike.  We didn't really know anything about nutrition, so he was kind of running out of fuel on the run. No way I am doing a triathlon.

Fast Forward a few years.  We are now both accomplished athletes and we created the Vita Panda Blog to document our journey - Western States for Kevin and Ironman Couer d'Alene for me.

I have to add flame... because we are turning into Super Saiya Vita Panda
And the next thing I know, Kevin got third place over all in Bandit 50km... WHAT! But not surprised.
Bandit 50km
With his determination, he is going to win a race some day!

I think it's a good thing that I don't run as fast as him nor do I want to get fast (yet). I like to challenge myself in my own way and speed is usually not in the equation.  It's not an excuse, it's my personality.  And I know if I am try to go fast for the wrong reason, it is not going to be healthy for me and I will hurt myself.  I ran fast for the wrong reason at Boney Mountain and I am still paying for it =P  One day, when I am mentally ready, I will chase after Kevin.  Right now we are Super Saiya Vita Panda with two different goals in mind.

That it, I just want to write a blog to congratulate Kevin.  Now I am going for a little run to keep myself loose for Ray Miller.


  1. Congrats Kevin, great work! And Ver nice write-up Louis, have a great run this weekend!

  2. Louis Kwan. You. Are. A. Funny. Man. But thank you. Josh, thank you as well. I had no intention to go after such result but it just sort of happened. I think I just got really lucky on that course.
