Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lesson learned in 2010 - Keep Moving Forward

Gally: She got shot and still look forward. ok fine she is an android, but still.

Seriously, I have been having this writer's block it's not even funny anymore. While I can't write down what happened in 2010, I did learn a lot from it (thus this blog... *_*). I learned that only you can dig yourself out of your a hole and no one else can help you. I learned that we always have to keep moving forward and sometime we need to let things go. I learned that the moment you stop questioning why it's the moment you start moving forward.

In other news, I am happy that my friend John and Melissa has a cute baby girl Lily. I am happy that people around me started to run marathons and triathlons. A few even signed up for an Ironman. I am happy that the other VitaPanda Kevin Chan reached all his goals in 2010. I am very happy to win Sully in Tokyo. I value something that you cannot buy. (so random right)!

Sully and I at Tokyo Marathon Expo 2010

I may write about 2010 some days. But you know what, the stuff I learned will show up in 2011... a better Ironteam Louis. Look forward to it.

Below is a list of people that I know before they did something totally new. Damn that's a lot of you!!! If I miss you, I am sorry!!!

P.S. Picture may not be taken in the actual event.

VitaPanda Kevin Chan - Firetrail 50 mi ultra Marathon. North Face 50 mi ultra Marathon

Kim Tull - Vineman Full Ironman

Michelle Wong - Nike Women's Marathon

Marisela Echeverria - SD Triathlon

Jennifer Young - Malibu Triathlon

Patty Talamantes and Waymond Fong - Malibu Triathon

Stephen Soong - Ironman Arizona

Lindsey Winger - Nike Women's Marathon

Lisa Brin - Nike Women's Marathon

Julie Hung - SD Triathlon

Lily Wu -SD Triathlon

Kelli Huynh and Tam Huynh - Los Angeles Marathon

Wendy Mann, Robert Mann, Waymond Fong - Los Angeles Marathon

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